5 Days DIY Itinerary in Zermatt Switzerland (part 1)

5 Days DIY Itinerary in Zermatt Switzerland

Switzerland has been in my travel wishlist for long time. Simply because of its breathe-taking and picturesque natural beauty. So, for my first visit, I chose to Zermatt because of the famous mountain – the Matterhorn (one of the mountains of the Alps). Zermatt is located at the foot of the mountain making it the ideal place to stay in the area.

We went to travel during the UAE holiday in September 2017. Below’s my travel itinerary for our 5 days and 4 nights stay in Zermatt.

Day 1: Paris, France to Geneva, Switzerland to Zermatt, Switzerland

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DIY: Singapore Itinerary for 5 Days

DIY: Singapore Itinerary for 5 Days

Singapore has been on my travel list for long time but was only able to visit it last year. I spent 5 quick days in Singapore traveling solo after a long time of no travels. This was my first DIY trip last 2016 and it was during the month of March.

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New Zealand Working Holiday Visa for Filipinos 2024

New Zealand Working Holiday Visa for Filipinos 2024

New Zealand is a country perfect for an adventurous travel. It is also one of the popular destinations for backpackers. People are friendly, the country is amazingly beautiful and with lots of travelers.

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DIY: Short Trip to Prague Czech Republic

Short DIY Trip to Prague Czech Republic

It was during a holiday in Dubai when I decided to visit Europe particularly, Prague. This is my first trip to Europe and I chose Prague as it has laid-back feels which for me is perfect. I only had 3 days and 2 nights here due to very a limited time. This Prague travel is a backpacking trip.

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